The support measures that have been announced so far, which are explained below:
a) Quarantine leave
Government to cover €350 per employee on quarantine. This equates to two weeks pay of a minimum wage. It is, however, pertinent to note that quarantine leave needs to cover the full wage of the employee and the duration is only limited to what is ordered by the Superintendent of Public Health. The difference needs to be forked out by the employer.
b) Wage subsidies
Businesses that have stopped operating due to government order by legal notice:
- Wage subsidy of €320/ month per employee.
- Self-employed (with no employees) a payment of €320/ month to cover his/her wage.
- Self-Employed (with employees) a payment of €480/ month to cover his/her wage.
Businesses that have suffered a reduction in turnover of 25% or more:
- Wage subsidy of €160/ month per employee.
- Self-employed (with no employees) a payment of €160/ month to cover his/her wage.
- Self-Employed (with employees) a payment of €320/ month to cover his/her wage.
c) Third Country Employees
No new applications will be accepted. Those that are laid off will be assisted in finding a job where possible. Important to note contract terms when making layoffs.
d) Unemployment benefit
Employees that are laid off or where teleworking is not possible and they have to stay home to care for kids would be getting €800/month.
e) Taxes, VAT, NI and Social Security
To be postponed for the months of March and April and to be paid later on.
f) Bank Guarantees to be made available for business loans.
So far these are the details that have been made available.